Types of reports in Microsoft Money
Microsoft Money 2005 and later presented users with two views of reports. These are in essential mode and advanced mode. You can easily switch between the two types by first clicking on 'Change Report Settings' whilst viewing the reports home page. Next, click on the option to change the settings and then on the type of report you wish to switch to (if it fails, see
Article 303).

The essential mode only shows some of the basic reports. These are simplified financial overviews and are not customizable except for changing the view (to bar, pie or report where applicable). The reports of this type are:
- Spending by category
- Spending by payee
- Spending by category comparison
- Monthly budget
- Net worth
- Credit card debt
- Portfolio value by investment type
- Monthly reports (not visible if you have no transactions in your file)
In advanced mode, the basic set of reports is expanded. You are also able to customize these reports, and create your own reports. Custom reports will also be displayed on the reports page (as well as in the 'Favourites' entry on the menubar of the Money window. Reports in this mode are separated into seven categories:
- My favorites
- Custom reports. This is only visible when you have created a favorite report. - Income and expenses
- Spending by category
- Spending by payee
- Monthly budget
- Monthly income and expenses
- Transactions by category
- Transactions by payee
- Account transactions
- Income and spending
- Income and spending over time
- Annual Budget
- Taxes
- Tax-related transactions
- Capital gains
- Tax software report
- Loan Interest
- Value added tax by VAT rate (only available if you have enabled VAT on the file - Article 70)
- Value added tax by category only available if you have enabled VAT on the file)
- Comparison reports
- Spending by category comparison
- Spending by payee comparison
- Income and spending comparison
- Assets and Liabilities
- Net worth
- Credit card debt
- Net worth less capital gains tax (US Only)
- Net worth over time
- Net worth over time less capital gains tax (US Only)
- Account balances
- Account balance history
- Account balances with details
- Asset allocation (US Only)
- Frequent flyer miles
- Scheduled bills
- Forthcoming (Upcoming) bills and deposits
- Loan terms (only present if you have loan accounts)
- Loan amortization (only present if you have loan accounts)
- Investment
- Portfolio value by investment type
- Portfolio value by investment account
- Performance by investment account
- Performance by investment type
- Price history
- Investment transactions
- Bond summary
- Bond performance
- Monthly reports
- Up to 12 months worth of monthly reports. This section is not visible if you have no transactions in your file. (See also Article 249)
It should be able to switch between advanced and essential modes without losing any customized reports. However, it is probably best to take a backup if you want to do this, just to be sure.