Column Name
% of portfolio
The percentage of your total portfolio invested in this security by market value.
Market value of the security divided by amount invested in your total portfolio
Percentage of this investment that is invested in cash
The percentage difference between the preceding day's close and the current price
Percentage of this investment that is invested in debt
Percentage of this investment that is invested in shares (equity)
The percentage of profit or loss on an investment based on its cost
The percentage of this investment that is invested in assets other than equities,
debt, or cash
52-Week High
The highest price at which a security traded over the past 52 weeks
52-Week Low
The lowest price at which a security traded over the past 52 weeks
The price at which a holder of an investment is willing to sell a specific quantity
Average Cost
The average cost per share, including commisions, that you paid for this security
The measure of an investment's volatility relative to the rest of the stock market.
Shares with a beta higher than 1 are more volatile that the S&P Stock Index
The price at which a buyer of an investment is willing to purchase a specific quantity
Bond Type*
Type of bond, such as corporate bond, municipal bond, Treasury Bill or zero coupon
Call Date*
Date upon which a bond may be redeemed (called) before maturity
The amount of this investment that is invested in cash
Per share difference between the preceding day's close and the most recent price
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The last price at which a security traded on the previous trading day
The total brokerage fees you paid to buy or sell an investment
Cost Basis
The total cost, including commissions and fees, of all shares of an investment
The interest rate of a bond
Credit Rating*
Bond ratings based on the bond issue's credit history and ability to repay its obligations,
assigned by rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's
The current on which the information displayed is based
Current Yield
Annual interest paid on a bond divided by the current market price
The amount of this investment that is invested in debt
Dividend Yield (Rate)
Percentage of the current market value of an investment that is paid in dividends.
Annual dividends divided by current market price
Earnings per Share. Ratio of a company's net after-tax income divided by the number
of common shares outstanding
The amount of this investment that is invested in stocks (equity)
Exchange Rate
Currency exchange rate for this investment
Expert Assistant*
Information about significant events that might affect your investment
Expiration Date*
Last day on which an option can be exercised
Forward PE
Current price per share divided by the earnings per share
Your gain or loss on this security before capital gains tax. Current market value
plus income, minus cost basis
High (Day High)
The highest price at which a security traded during the current day
Interest, dividends and capital gains distributions you have received for an investment
Last Price
The most recent price at which the security traded
Last Transaction Date*
The last date the investment was traded
Last Updated*
The time an online price was provided (prices are delayed at least 20 minutes)
Low (Day Low)
The lowest price at which a security traded during the current day
Market Capitalization
The current value of a corporation. The current market price of one share multiplied
by the number of common shares outstanding
Market Value
Market value of your investment at the last price
Maturity Date*
The date when the bond must be repaid; the face amount, regardless of what was paid
at issue
Information you have entered as a comment for this investment. To enter a memo in
Money, right click an investment name and then select Investment Details. Type the
information in the comment box
The name of the investment
Recent news available on this investment
The first price at which a security traded on the current trading day
Open Interest
Number of contracts outstanding on the underlying security
The amount of this investment that is invested in assets other than equities, debt
or cash
PE Ratio
Price to earnings ratio. Current price per share divided by the last 12 months'
Earnings per Share (EPS). Also known as the multiple.
Price Appreciation
Your gain or loss on this security due to price fluctuations. Current market value
minus cost basis.
The cost of your total purchases (excluding reinvested income) of this investment,
including shares you have since sold
The number of shares you hold of a given security
Realized Gains
The gain from shares actually sold. Does not include the increase in value of shares
you still hold
The total reinvested income for this investment
Risk Category*
Category of risk for this investment compared to the rest of the stock market: Low
Risk, Medium Risk, or High Risk.
The total sales you have made for this investment
Shares Outstanding
The total number of a company's publicly traded shares
Size of Last Sale
The number of shares traded in the most recent transaction made by anyone for this
Strike Price
Price at which stocks underlying a call or put option can be purchased or sold
Company ticker symbol
Today's Total Change
Your gain or loss on this investment today. The difference between the previous
day's closing price and the most recent price, multiplies by your number of shares
Total Annualized Return
Annual percentage return on investment. Returns for the short-term investments are
projected to one year; returns for the long-term investments are averaged to one
Total Quantity Granted
Total number of shares you were granted, included vested and non-vested shares
Total Quantity Not Vested
Number of shares you own that are not currently vested
Total Quantity Vested
Number of shares you own that are currently vested
Total Return - 1 Week
One-week percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income, minus
beginning market value, divided by beginning market value
Total Return - 1 Year
One-year percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income, minus
beginning market value, divided by beginning market value
Total Return - 3 Month
Three-month percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income, minus
beginning market value, divided by beginning market value
Total Return - 3 Year
Three-year percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income, minus
beginning market value, divided by beginning market value
Total Return - 4 Weeks
Four-week percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income, minus
beginning market value, divided by beginning market value
Total Return - All Dates
Percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income, minus beginning
market value, divided by beginning market value
Total Return - YTD
Year-to-date percentage return on investment. Current market value plus income,
minus beginning market value, divided by beginning market value
Type of investment, such as stocks, unit trust, bond, cash or index fund
Vested Value
Value of vested employee stock options, or market value for other investment types
The total units of an investment traded on the most recent trading day
Yield to Maturity
Rate of return yielded by a debt security held to maturity (Includes interest payments
and capital gain or loss).