money://@surf.mar@ and @signup.mar@
The 'surf.mar' or 'signup.mar' messages are related to MSN and Microsoft Money and are
seen in a number of places. The most common way that they are found are through anti-spyware programs, or
through curious browsing.
If you are using Microsoft Money, then you may notice
money://@surf.mar@ in the Internet Explorer Local Intranet Zone
(under control panel -> Internet Explorer -> Security -> Local Intranet -> Sites -> Advanced).
If you browse to that location, with Microsoft Money installed, you'll find it starts the program. This
is because Microsoft Money is built on Internet Explorer, and it appears that this is the mechanism within
the program to launch pages and navigate within itself. It is not because something external has infiltrated
your machine.
You can see the entry within your Internet options below.

A couple of examples of its use in Microsoft Money are below (paste these into a browser, if you
have Money installed):
It is possible to delete the entry in IE, but it sometimes can reappear when starting Microsoft Money
again. In fact, some people only see it in the local intranet area if Microsoft Money is running on
the machine.

This message appears when the Microsoft Money or MSN software is installed with the Microsoft Antispyware tool
running. The item is also part of Money, but related to the login (Money can use Microsoft Passport as a login
mechanism). You should accept this protocol in the antispyware program or else Microsoft Money might not work
correctly. The message you will see in a typical antispyware package is displayed on the right (example from
Microsoft Antispyware).
If you are using MSN - either the MSN package or the portfolio manager,
then you may see a similar item "//@signup.mar@" (This can also be displayed when running Microsoft Money).
When installing MSN, this message can appear in the Microsoft Antispyware tool. You should allow
it in the tool or else the MSN package will not function correctly. However, if it occurs in any other
non-Microsoft packages, you should be very wary.
In your Antispyware logs, you will see a message
similar to:
Internet Explorer Trusted Sites alert
Occurred on: 06/01/2005 at 18:37:15
The user Glyn, has decided to allow the trusted
site //@signup.mar@ to Internet Explorer.
About Internet Explorer Trusted Sites: Trusted Sites
are web sites that you trust not to damage your computer. Internet Explorers security is based upon a set
of zones. Each zone has different security in terms of what scripts and applications can be run while using
that zone. It is also possible to add domains (sites) to particular zones, so that if you are browsing in a
web site that is part of a zone that has low security, then you will be allowed to run scripts, potentially d
angerous ones, from that web site.
See also
Article 149
Browser Shortcuts - these show some of the ways you
can use the reference to access parts of Microsoft Money.
Keywords: AntiSpyware, MSN