Bug in selecting shortcut key for Change Transaction Types

There is a bug in Money 2005 (which is also probably in other versions, however it is definitely fixed in Money Plus) which manifests itself when downloading statements into your bank account.

When you download statements and transactions, Money tries to match transactions downloaded against existing transactions. When you view your account register with these transactions, they are marked in bold on the statement view, as can be seen below:

Microsoft Money statement showing downloaded transactions

Downloading statements adds two or three extra options to the context menu (invoked with a right click). These are Accept and Change (additionally you can have Unmatch for manually matched items which haven't yet been accepted). These have shortcut keys of 'c' and 'g' respectively.

The context menu, if you are also viewing the transactions forms, can be seen below:

Right click context menu for Microsoft Money transaction matching

Note that the context menu has an option Change Transaction Type to, which also has a shortcut key of 'g'.

As there are two menu items with the same shortcut key, then pressing it causes the first one to activate and not the second.

You cannot use another single keystroke to activate the 'Change Transaction Type to' menu item, but you can use your cursor keys to navigate to that part of the menu and show the three options underneath it. The three shortcuts for the options underneath work.

Thanks to Chris Elias for the initial heads-up on this bug

Category: Errors

Keywords: Match, Transaction, Menu, Shortcut