Converting from Excel to OFX

Josep Bori created a VB macro that can convert from Excel format to OFX (see Article 235). This macro could be of use to anyone who wishes to import data into Microsoft Money or Microsoft Office Accounting.

The write-up on the website says:

This is a VB macro in Excel that allows for the generation of financial transaction files in the Open Financial Exchange (OFX) format, a unified specification created jointly by Intuit, Microsoft, and CheckFree in early 1997, to enable the exchange of financial data over the Internet.

The "XLS2OFX" worksheet collects statement level information such as financial institution id, account number, statement date, currency, previous balance, etc. in the colored section of the worksheet, one can enter transactions by simply indicating a date, a description, and a debit or credit amount. The VB macro will also need an output filename.

Please note that if you don't have a previous balance, you will still be able to import the generated file, although your financial software (for instance, MS Money) will complain about an unreconciled balance.

The website seems to be no longer available. I'll look to see whether I can find and host the information here

Update: Couldn't get in touch with Josep Bori, but decided that the need to have this available is quite important at this time, whilst there are users converting from Money. The program is linked here.

Category: RelatedSoftware

Keywords: OFX, VB, Import, Convert, Excel, Macro