Additional troubleshooting for Live ID/Passport login issues with Microsoft Money

If you use 2-way online banking (including CashEdge and always with Essentials) with Microsoft Money, then you'll use a Live ID (Passport) to log into your Money file.

Sometimes, you cannot log into your file, although an 'offline' login works.

To help you troubleshoot, you should try as many of the following as you can:
  1. Verify that the Live ID can sign in on other sites, such as, etc).
  2. Try a different Live ID (perhaps on a different file) to see whether the problem is down to your file or your Live ID
  3. If anything has changed on your computer recently, determine whether that could affect things (for example, undo firewall changes, reset Internet Explorer settings)
  4. Clear cookies and internet explorer cache
It is worth also checking the status of the MSN Money servers (see Article 254).

If the Microsoft servers are unavailable or very busy, then sometimes you may not be able to log in to your file, so you may need to try later.

Related articles: Article 60, Article 56

Category: Errors

Keywords: Passport, Login, Troubleshoot, Live