How to export/import accounts (using QIF)
Due to incompatibilities in the format of regional Microsoft Money files, and sometimes due to
corruption, and other times just to convert a Quicken File into Money, it is sometimes necessary to export all of
your accounts into QIF files and then import them all again in a clean/new or the same file.
Import and
Export of a Microsoft Money file to QIF can be a
very time consuming operation, as it depends on the number of
accounts you are dealing with, numbers of transactions, transfers etc. In addition, when you start introducing files
using multiple currencies, things start getting complex.
But, it usually has the desired effect of either
repairing a file, or speeding things up - or both.
Exporting your accounts from Money
- Choose
- Select the 'Loose QIF' option
- Enter the name of the account in the filename box -
this makes it easier to identify the accounts you have exported
- Choose the type of account, i.e. 'Regular'
for checking, savings accounts etc and 'Investment' for your investment accounts
- Select the account from the
'Account List' box
- Click 'OK' to export the account
You'll need to repeat this for every account,
including closed ones if you need them.
Importing exported accounts into Money
- Start a new Money file
(if required) by clicking 'File'->'New'
- In the filename box, give your new MS Money file a name
- Although
not strictly necessary, it is useful if you create a number of new accounts with the same names and types as the ones
you exported earlier. This makes the import process a lot cleaner. Make sure they have zero balances
- Click
'File'->'Import' (or 'File'->'Import'->'Recover Accounts' in Money 2005 and 2006)
- Select the QIF files you wish
to import. When importing your QIF files into Microsoft Money, you will need to make sure you select them all to
import at the same time, because then transfer transactions should be picked up properly.
- Click on the
Import option
- Select 'As a new or recovered account' and then press 'ok'
- On the next window, make sure
you match the QIF files with the correct accounts - you'll need to do this multiple times
- Click OK to
It is useful to print off a net worth report, lists of bills and deposits and loan details from
your first Microsoft Money file. This can then be used to cross check the results in the new file.
Notes on
the import and export process
- You cannot export and import Inventory, scheduled or recurring bills
or deposits, business data (invoices and customers) and planner data using this mechanism, and these will need
to be entered by hand.
- Loan accounts cannot be exported
(see Article 402).
- If you
have closed accounts, you may need to open them to export them. Once they are imported, you can close them
- If you have transfers between accounts which are in different currencies, then you might find
that these don't import correctly, as the QIF export does not contain details of exchange rates used. Some manual
work might be required to sort these out, including re-entering the transactions and deleting some of the
imported data.
- It has been reported to me (thanks Jack A)
that there could be a 500 transaction limit when importing (both OFX and QIF file format). If your file is particularly
large, you may need to split it up into separate downloads from the financial institution.
See also
Article 27 which
is related to importing data from Microsoft Excel.
For more information on Microsoft Money file
types (QIF, OFX and OFC), see
Article 235.
Keywords: QIF, import, export