Cash flow forecast chart does not display

If you use the cash flow forecast, and you find that the graph does not show, then possibly you have a broken bill or deposit in your bills/deposits area.

To fix this, try taking a copy of your Microsoft Money file (perhaps taking two copies would be useful here). With the first copy, delete individual bill and deposit series in turn. After deleting one, go back to the cash flow chart and see whether it displays. If it doesn't, then try the next one. When (if) the cash flow forecast displays, go back to the original file, delete that bill or deposit series, check the cash flow displays and then recreate the deleted bill/deposit.

Note that there could be more than one broken bill or deposit, so you may need to delete and recreate multiple entries to fix this problem.

You should then be able to delete the copy of the Microsoft Money file you made to work through this process. The purpose of taking a second copy was just in case deleting the bill in the original file didn't work. This gives you the ability to go back to an unmodified file at the start of this process.

Thanks to Mark and Alan from the UK newsgroup for additional information relating to >1 broken bill

Category: BillsDeposits

Keywords: forecast, cash flow