Creating a new Microsoft Money file from a Pocket PC file

If you have data in Money for the Pocket PC, and no Microsoft Money desktop file (for example, you've never created one or you need to create a new one) then you need to follow some specific steps to do ensure that you can get the data from the Pocket PC to the desktop machine.

The steps below have been extracted from the Readme for the Pocket PC software
  1. Install Microsoft Money on your desktop PC.
  2. Run Microsoft Money on your desktop PC. On the initial "Money Setup Assistant" screen, click "Start Here." This will create a new Microsoft Money file to hold the data from your Pocket PC.
  3. Once Microsoft Money has created a new file, exit Microsoft Money on your desktop PC. You can return to the opening "Setup Assistant" interview after you've synchronized with your Pocket PC.
  4. Dock your Pocket PC and reinstall Microsoft Money for the Pocket PC to install the synchronization component.
  5. When prompted on the device, answer OK to reinstall.
  6. When prompted on the device, answer No to deleting any existing Microsoft Money databases from your device.
  7. When prompted on the device to replace existing files, answer Yes to All.
  8. When prompted on the device about the file mny2day.dll that is in use, answer No to continue.
  9. The install on the device will end on the Items tab for the Today screen's settings. Leave this screen open and your device docked.
  10. On your desktop, open ActiveSync to synchronize your Money data.
  11. Once synchronization is complete, press OK on the device to close the Today screen's settings and return to the Today screen.
  12. Open Microsoft Money on your desktop PC. All of the information from your Pocket PC should now be found inside of the current file.

Category: PocketPC

Keywords: PocketPC, create