Downloading a retail version of Microsoft Money (US)

Microsoft in the US used to allow you to purchase Microsoft Money in a download format. This is something that I used to advise against.

There were a number of unique problems with the download version. The most key ones are if you need to reinstall after a disk crash, or lose the download file, or haven't got a record of any key that they may give you. In addition you'll be tied into Microsoft Passport for 2005/2006 versions.

My advice was to always go for the physical media, as this allows you to install again if you need to, and, you still have recourse if the media gets damaged as Microsoft can replace it (see Article 88). Having the media gives you some security in knowing that you can always reinstall when you want to, and not having to use the internet or Microsoft Passport.

With Money 2007 and Plus, the download experience was a lot better and was handled by Digital River. It appeared to be a viable mechanism of obtaining the software which is reliable. I'd still recommend you either get a CD backup OR save the downloaded file to physical media. You can no longer download retail versions of Money, but can get the sunset sku (Money Sunset SKU).

If you're reading this article to find out how to re-download the Money stub file for 2005/2006, then go to Article 132.

Category: Installation

Keywords: Stub, Digital River, Retail, Download