DEP Interferes with the running of Money Plus
There have been some reports that if you have DEP (Data Execution Prevention) turned on, Money Plus does not operate correctly. The symptom will be that the program hangs at startup.
This may occur if you have DEP turned on for all processes (and not just Windows).
To workaround this, some of the Money executables will need to be added to the DEP exclusion list, or DEP settings changed to just include Windows processes (although the latter will reduce security).
The processes which Money uses should be added - these are:
- activate.exe - Money Activation Utility
- daupdate.exe - Microsoft Money Update Utility
- extend.exe - Money Activation Extension Utility
- mnybb.exe - Microsoft Money Background Banking
- mnyinsit.exe - Insights
- msmoney.exe - Microsoft Money
DEP is controlled through Control Panel -> (System and Maintenance if using Vista not in Classic mode) -> System -> Advanced System Settings. Click on the 'Advanced' tab and then 'Settings' under Performance. The Data Execution Prevention (DEP) tab can then be selected.
If you have the lower radio button selected, you can Add programs to the list. Note that the Money Plus executable lives in a hidden folder named 'MNYCoreFiles' under the Microsoft Money Plus installation (typical location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Money Plus\MNYCoreFiles).

In the image above, the list of executables can be seen with DEP turned on for all programs and services except Money processes.
One report suggests that the activation program creates a new executable named 'activate_TMP.exe' - this may mean you need to disable DEP temporarily whilst activating.
This problem should be fixed in Money Plus SP1 (
Article 546).
Keywords: Executable, Hang, Startup, DEP